If you're in a relationship and who loves him more than he loves you is a bit 'twisty. As women we are with the men to be the craziest of us as we are about them. If your man seems less enthusiastic about having you in her life, you're stuck in the middle of a conflict. You wait and see if things change or do you view things and look for another relationship where you can feel more appreciated? If you really care about him and want a future with> Him, there are certainly things you can do to make him fall deeper in love.

It is generally fairly easy to tell when you love him more than he loves you. It is likely that you are what kind of start in contact, we speak of the future and go out of your way of doing things that make life easier. If you are guilty of these things, you must change your behavior now. If you want your man to Love You More must be less accommodating. Must show that he has your affection all wrapped. The old idea of playing hard to get can actually work even if you are in a committed relationship.

One of the best ways to make a man that more must be less available to him. If you are constantly there and willing to do what he wants, take note. He becomes the girl who would never leave reliable. He can sense your emotional dependence on him and makes> Too quiet. If you pull the rug from under him by a sudden change of behavior going to stop taking for granted.

The best thing you can do, if you love him more than he loves you is to start focusing on themselves more. Whatever time and effort they were making to make life better, you start to use to make their lives better. Stand before your man. Go out and have fun without him, plan your life, includingyour future without him and not be always at your disposal. Once you show him what his life without you is as always, is going to work even harder to ensure that no one loses. If you want to love more, is really to let him see you're still independent, confident and able to live your life without him.